according to the research, which of the following were true of preschoolers who were able to delay gratification?


Answer 1

According to the research,  They made more money as adults, are coped with stress better as adolescents and  become more academically successful.

What distinguishes kindergarten from preschool?

The primary distinction lies in the ages of the children who attend. In preschool, the understudies are somewhere in the range of 2 and 4 years of age. However, pre-K students typically range in age from 4 to 5 years old. This is due to the fact that in order to prepare children for the social and academic challenges that lie ahead, pre-K is meant to take place the year before kindergarten.

What are preschoolers taught?

Aside from perusing and composing, preschools ought to likewise show center ideas. Your kids ought to have an instinctive handle of schedules, drawing, cutting, cleanliness, nature, numbers, tuning in, climate, and other imperative ideas. Additionally, they should have a multifunctional comprehension of various concepts.

Question incomplete:

According to the research, which of the following were true of preschoolers who were able to delay gratification?

A. They made more money as adults

B. They coped with stress better as adolescents

C. They become more academically successful

D. They realise things more efficiently

Learn more about preschoolers:


Related Questions

What achievements were made during the golden age of Greece?
A. Philosophers such as Socrates and Plato searched for truth.
B. The government published the Twelve Tables.
C. The Etruscans conquered Athens.



C. The Etruscans conquered Athens


I'm not 100% so I suggest you check before you are settled with this answer

On June 25, 1950, the United States united North Korea and South Korea.

T or F


That is false, On June 25, 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea

dealing with ethical issues and values, herr and niles (1988) stress awareness of all of the following except:


Herr and Niles (1988) stress awareness of all of the following in dealing with ethical issues and values except external factors. (Option 4)

Herr and Niles (1988) identified three key components in dealing with ethical issues and values: (1) awareness of personal values, (2) knowledge of ethical principles and standards, and (3) the ability to make ethical decisions. They stressed the importance of being aware of personal values and how they might influence ethical decision-making, as well as having a strong understanding of ethical principles and standards.

However, they did not stress awareness of external factors such as societal norms or cultural values as a key component, though this may also be important in certain contexts. Overall, their framework emphasizes the importance of personal reflection and ethical reasoning in navigating complex ethical dilemmas.

Learn more about stress


Complete Question:

dealing with ethical issues and values, herr and niles (1988) stress awareness of all of the following except:

1) awareness of personal values

(2) knowledge of ethical principles and standards

(3) the ability to make ethical decisions

(4) External factors

In a philosophical sense, what are some ways Thomas Kuhn could be right and wrong in his argument towards science?


Thomas Kuhn's argument towards science, as presented in his influential book "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions", has been both praised and criticized by philosophers of science.

How can Thomas Kuhn's Argument on Science be Right and Wrong?

Here are some ways in which Kuhn's argument could be seen as both right and wrong:

Ways in which Kuhn could be right:

Science is not a purely rational process: Kuhn was right in highlighting that scientific progress is not solely based on the accumulation of empirical evidence or the application of logical reasoning. Instead, scientific research is influenced by social and historical factors, including scientific paradigms, cultural values, and political interests.Paradigm shifts do occur in science: Kuhn was right in emphasizing that scientific progress is not linear and cumulative, but rather is characterized by periods of normal science, punctuated by paradigm shifts. These shifts involve a radical rethinking of the underlying assumptions, methods, and concepts of a scientific field, and often require a break with the past.Science is a human endeavor: Kuhn was right in highlighting that science is not a purely objective pursuit, but rather is shaped by the values, beliefs, and interests of the scientists themselves. Scientific research is conducted by fallible human beings, who are subject to cognitive biases and limitations, and who may be influenced by social, economic, and political factors.

Ways in which Kuhn could be wrong:

Progress in science is not arbitrary: Kuhn was criticized for presenting a view of scientific progress as arbitrary, with no objective criteria for evaluating one paradigm against another. Critics argue that scientific progress is not merely a matter of subjective preference or cultural norms, but rather is based on empirical evidence and logical reasoning.Science is not immune to criticism: Kuhn was criticized for presenting a view of science as an insulated, self-contained enterprise, immune to external criticism. Critics argue that science is subject to scrutiny and critique from multiple sources, including other scientists, philosophers, and the wider society.Scientific revolutions are not always dramatic: Kuhn was criticized for presenting a view of scientific revolutions as dramatic, paradigm-shifting events. Critics argue that scientific progress can also occur through incremental improvements, rather than through radical paradigm shifts.

Learn more about Thomas Kuhn here:


the following terms are often confused, despite having different political meanings. match each term to its definition.


A phrase used to describe a group of people's shared nation-place  social and cultural traits, histories, or experiences.

What does the term "indigenous people" mean?

The term "Indigenous Peoples" refers to several socioeconomic and cultural groups that have shared ancestral links to the lands and natural resources that they now reside on or have been displaced from.

Why are indigenous Filipinos significant?

The knowledge, inventions, and customs of indigenous and local populations who live in close proximity to environment are essential to the Philippines' unique biodiversity conservation efforts. Ancestral domains contain an estimated 85% of the major biodiversity hotspots in the nation.

To know more about nation-place visit:-


How does the congress create laws ? What actions Can members of congress take to create or block a law


In the United States, the legislative branch of government is responsible for creating laws. This branch consists of two houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The process of creating a law starts with a member of Congress introducing a bill. A bill is a proposed law that is written in a specific format and given a number. Once a bill is introduced, it goes through several stages before it can become a law.

First, the bill is assigned to a committee in the house of origin (either the House of Representatives or the Senate). The committee studies the bill, holds hearings, and may make changes to it. If the committee approves the bill, it goes to the full house for debate and a vote. If the bill is passed by the house of origin, it goes to the other house for consideration. The process starts over in the other house, with the bill being assigned to a committee, studied, and possibly changed. If the second house passes the bill, it goes to a conference committee to work out any differences between the two versions.

Once the bill is finalized, it goes to the president for approval. If the president signs the bill, it becomes law. If the president vetoes the bill, Congress can override the veto with a two-thirds vote in each house.

Members of Congress can take various actions to create or block a law. They can introduce bills and work to get them passed by the full house. They can also use their position on committees to influence the fate of a bill. If they do not support a bill, they can work to prevent it from being passed by the full house by not allowing it to advance out of committee or by speaking against it during debate. They can also use the threat of a filibuster (in the Senate) to block a bill from being voted on. Conversely, if they support a bill, they can work to get it passed by the full house by using their influence to persuade other members to support it.

look at picture below (if you troll I will get you banned) 20 points!


option A is the correct answer. It inspires African Americans to fight for the union.

What is the identity of Abraham Lincoln?

Lincoln's speech was an attempt to respond to this question, as well as to reach out to his "unsatisfied fellow-countrymen" in order to avoid the impending conflict. He had adhered to a strict policy of quiet in the weeks leading to his inauguration, deliberately avoiding making any declarations that could be misinterpreted by either the North or the South. Lincoln intended that no declaration of his particular policy towards the South be made public before he took office.

to know more about Abraham Lincoln visit :


According to the text, which of the following is an accurate generalization about student culture in high schools?
A. Males who participate in athletics generally have low status in the eyes of their peers.
B. High-achieving, academically oriented girls are usually among the most popular.
C. Students generally give higher status to males who are athletes than to those who are outstanding academically.


C. Students generally give higher status to males who are athletes than to those who are outstanding academically.

According to the text, student culture in high schools generally values athletic ability over academic achievement when it comes to status and popularity. Males who participate in athletics are often seen as having higher social status and are more popular among their peers than males who excel academically. High-achieving, academically oriented girls, on the other hand, may face social challenges such as being labeled as "nerdy" or "uncool." This emphasis on athletics and sports in student culture may have implications for educational priorities and the allocation of resources within schools.

To learn more about athletic ability visit;


complete the passage describing the suez crisis that occurred in the middle east during the eisenhower administration.


The fifties witnessed the emergence of a rebellious artists and writers who rejected the consumerism and conformity of middle-class life.These young individuals known as Beats sought an authentic sense of self and pursued originality in both art and life. Their attitudes toward women were often sexist, and they took an individualistic approach to their needs and problems.

When Gamal Abdel, the president of Egypt, nationalized the Suez Canal in July 1956, a problem arose in the region. The Soviet Union was enraged when Israel troops invaded Egyptian territory on October 29, 1956, supported by France and Great Britain. The Suez crisis was that.

Dwight Eisenhower was a measured president of the United States. He asked Soviet leaders to stay out of the conflict and tried to persuade the USSR that a nuclear conflict could make things worse. He also advised the British, French, and Israelis to leave Egypt.

DISCLAIMER The question is incomplete

complete the passage describing the suez crisis that occurred in the middle east during the eisenhower administration.

The fifties witnessed the emergence of a _____ artists and writers who rejected the consumerism and ___ of middle-class life.These young individuals known as __- sought an authentic sense of self and pursued ___ in both art and life. Their attitudes toward women were often ____, and they took an individualistic approach to their needs and problems.

learn about suez crisis


Step 1: Read the following:

A speaker's definition of a family (resource unknown):

Actually, sociologists don't agree very much about how to define family, but probably the vast majority of sociologists don't always bother to ask that question directly – they tend to sidestep it. I think anthropologists are a bit more careful here because anthropologists almost always are focusing on comparing one culture to another, and too often sociologists – not all sociologists but many sociologists – work within their own countries and tend to take for granted the definition of family that they presume is most widespread there. There are sociologists who challenge the definitions, and there certainly are some interesting conversations about what counts as a family. What's really interesting is that the public does tend to agree more on what counts as a family than sociologists probably do or that most politicians do. Most people today when they are polled will tell you that a family are people who love and take care of each other, which is actually a worldly revolutionary definition of family, because historically family has always been defined much more by issues of social obligation and reproduction and economic interdependency and religious constraints and things like that. So, our families have changed dramatically and I'm not sure that sociologists have always been able to keep up as well as maybe even people who are living their lives are able to.

Classroom eText definition of a family (Chapter 4: Socialization and the Life Course (page 85)

For most people, the family is the first source of socialization. Through families, children are introduced to the expectations of society. Children learn to see themselves through their parents’ eyes. How parents define and treat a child is crucial to the development of the child’s sense of self.

What children learn in families is certainly not uniform. Even though families pass on the expectations of a given culture, families within that culture may be highly diverse, as we will see in Chapter 13. Some families may emphasize educational achievement over physical activity; some may be more permissive, whereas others emphasize strict obedience and discipline. Within families, children may experience different expectations based on gender or birth order (being born first, second, or third). Living in a family experiencing the strain of social problems such as alcoholism, unemployment, domestic violence, or teen pregnancy also affects how children are socialized. The specific effects of different family structures and processes are the basis for ongoing and extensive sociological research.

Sociologists have also found that there are significant class differences in how children are socialized in families. By observing families in different social classes over an extended period of time, sociologist Annette Lareau found that children raised in upper- and middle-class families are given highly structured activities, such as music lessons, organized sports and clubs, language instruction, and other activities that both fill the family calendar and give children little free time. Cultivated childhood is the result as children in the upper and middle classes learn to navigate institutions and interact with authority figures in ways that will benefit them later in life. Working-class children, on the other hand, have much more unstructured childhoods, allowing them to create their own activities, but leaving them without the same skills to successfully navigate social institutions, such as school and work, later in life. In this sense, childhood socialization in families reproduces a system of inequality that advantages those who already have resources and disadvantages everyone else (Lareau 2011).

As important as the family is in socializing the young, it is not the only socialization agent. As children grow up, they encounter other socializing influences, sometimes in ways that might contradict family expectations. Even parents who want to socialize their children in less gender-stereotyped ways might be frustrated by the influence of other socializing forces, which promote highly gender-typed toys and activities to boys and girls. These multiple influences on the socialization process create what sociologist Emily Kane has called “the gender trap,” meaning the expectations and structures that reproduce gender norms, even when parents try to resist them (Kane 2012).

⭐Step 2: What is YOUR definition of a family? (do not copy/paste from reading. Tell us what YOU consider to be family or how you define it).

Is your definition different from the reading, why? If not, why do you think the definition is so standard?


According to the readings, There may be differences in how the general public and academics define families. Given the variety of human experiences and ideals, it is not surprising that there is no one, universal definition of what constitutes a family.

How can we define the term Family?

Depending on the cultural, societal, and individual situations, the concept of family might change. Some people may define family as include close friends and non-blood relatives, while others may not. While some may place more weight on cultural or religious traditions, some may stress the value of love and emotional ties in defining a family.

What is socialization?

Individuals absorb and internalize the cultural norms, values, beliefs, and behaviors of their community or group through the process of socialization. It entails developing the abilities, information, attitudes, and behaviors required to contribute positively to interpersonal relationships and interactions.

What makes socialization?

Our sense of self and identity, as well as our comprehension of social roles, expectations, and standards, are all shaped by the socialization process. It impacts our conduct and attitudes, our behavior and beliefs, and how we see and relates to others. Depending on the social and cultural setting, as well as personal characteristics including personality, upbringing, and experiences, the degree of socialization may vary.

Learn more about socialization here:


Throughout much of the 20th century, sociologists who studied minorities, race, and ethnicity assumed which of the following?
a. The ultimate destiny of most minorities was assimilation.
b. Migrant groups would resist assimilation.
c. Migrant groups would want to retain their unique traditions and beliefs.
d. The ultimate destiny of the United States was cultural pluralism.


The correct option is option a) The ultimate destiny of most minorities was assimilation. The very sociologists who studied minorities, race, and ethnicity assumed it was assimilation.

It was also assumed that the ultimate destiny of most minorities was assimilation. Assimilation refers to the process by which members of a minority group adopt the cultural practices and values of the dominant culture and become indistinguishable from the rest of society. This assumption was based on the idea that the United States was a "melting pot" of cultures, and that eventually all minority groups would blend together into a single homogeneous society.

While there were some sociologists who challenged this assumption and argued for the importance of retaining unique traditions and beliefs, the dominant view for much of the 20th century was that assimilation was the inevitable outcome for most minority groups. Therefore, the correct option is:
Option a) The ultimate destiny of most minorities was assimilation.

Learn more about homogenous here:


to enforce their views of right or wrong behavior, different groups in society lobby forethicslawspunishmentsvalues


To enforce their views of right or wrong behavior, different groups in society lobby for laws. Option (2)

Different groups in society may lobby for ethics, laws, punishments, and values to enforce their views of right or wrong behavior. These efforts may be motivated by a variety of factors, such as religious or moral beliefs, concerns about public safety or health, or political ideologies. For example, groups may lobby for laws prohibiting certain behaviors or practices that they consider to be immoral or harmful, such as drug use or gambling.

They may also advocate for ethical codes or values that reflect their beliefs, such as those related to environmental conservation or animal welfare. Punishments, such as fines or imprisonment, may also be used as a means of enforcing ethical or legal standards. Overall, these efforts reflect the complex interplay between social norms, cultural values, and legal systems in shaping individual and collective behavior

Learn more about  society lobby


To enforce their views of right or wrong behavior, different groups in society lobby for


true/false. acculturation is the process by which individuals adopt the attitudes, values, customs, beliefs, and behaviors of another culture


The statement " true/false. acculturation is the process by which individuals adopt the attitudes, values, customs, beliefs, and behaviors of another culture" is false as correct answer is: assimilation.

Acculturation is the process of learning and adopting host cultural norms, values, and beliefs, whereas enculturation is the process of learning our own (native) culture. For an individual to function in society, it is necessary to acquire native cultural norms and values. As a result of completely accepting the customs of the new cultural group, assimilation involves a group losing almost all of its own or native culture.

As opposed to assimilation, which defines this process on an individual level and focuses on how people of one group acquire the cultural norms of the majority or host culture, acculturation places an emphasis on how the two cultures interact with one another.

To know more about assimilation refer to:


which of these early psychologists believed that psychology should study behavior, not consciousness


I’m not sure. Hard question mate

John B. Watson is the psychologist that believed that psychology should study behavior, not consciousness.

Watson's behaviourist theory concentrated on people's external and outer behaviours rather than their deep emotional and psychological circumstances. He believed that a person's physical reactions were the only way to gain insight into their interior actions. He devoted much of his work to the study of infant development and early learning, where he applied his beliefs.

Watson conducted a number of experiments on emotional learning in children. One of his most renowned studies was the Little Albert experiment, which used a nine-month-old baby boy to investigate classical conditioning.

Learn more about Watson, here:


differences among national cultures have important implications for managers. Which of the following are accurate descriptions of these implications?
-managers must be sensitive to the value system and norms of the country in which they are operating
-management practices that are effective in one country might not be effective in another
-management practices must be tailored to suit the cultural contexts


Yes, these descriptions are accurate implications of differences among national cultures for managers management practices that are effective in one country might not be effective in another. So the correct option is B .

To be successful in managing in different countries, managers must be aware of and sensitive to the local cultural norms and values. Management practices that work in one country may not work in another due to differences in cultural values and expectations. Therefore, managers need to be flexible and able to tailor their management practices to fit the cultural context of the country they are operating in. Failing to recognize and adapt to these cultural differences can lead to miscommunication, misunderstandings, and ultimately, failure in the business venture.

Learn more about managers management


true/false. the 15th amendment coupled with the plessy v. ferguson decision opened the door for the rampant, permissive segregation of the first half of the 1900s.


False. The 15th Amendment, ratified in 1870, granted African American men the right to vote. However, despite this constitutional protection, Southern states found ways to effectively disenfranchise black voters through discriminatory measures such as poll taxes, literacy tests, and violence.

The Plessy v. Ferguson decision, handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1896, established the "separate but equal" doctrine that allowed for racial segregation in public facilities as long as they were deemed to be equal in quality. This decision was used to justify racial segregation in various aspects of public life, such as schools, transportation, and housing.

However, it was not the 15th Amendment coupled with the Plessy v. Ferguson decision that opened the door for the rampant, permissive segregation of the first half of the 1900s. Rather, it was the widespread acceptance of white supremacy and racism among many Americans, particularly in the South, that allowed for the implementation and enforcement of segregationist policies and practices.

To know more about Amendment click here:


true/false. in the book shoe dog, bill bowerman was the inventor of a new technology used by nike that infused an air bubble into the sole of a running shoe.


It is completely appropriate and highly relevant to say that Bill Bowerman invented a new technology used by Nike that infused an air bubble into the soles of running shoes, as per the book 'Shoe Dog'. Thus, the said statement is true.

The book Shoe Dog is based on the story of how Nike has turned out to become one of the biggest known brands for footwear and shoes, especially in the growing industry of athleisure and running footwear. It depicts about the technologies it used to create air bubble into the soles of its running shoes.

Learn more about Shoe Dog here:


TRUE/FALSE.Fritz is an intuitive person according to Carl Jung's Typology System; therefore, he is likely to be a thinker when making decisions.


The given statement Fritz is an intuitive person according to Carl Jung's Typology System therefore, he is likely to be a thinker when making decisions is false because according to Carl Jung's Typology System, being intuitive or sensing pertains to how a person perceives information, while being a thinker or feeler pertains to how a person makes decisions.

According to Carl Jung's Typology System, individuals are classified based on their preferences in four dichotomies: extraversion (E) vs. introversion (I), sensing (S) vs. intuition (N), thinking (T) vs. feeling (F), and judging (J) vs. perceiving (P).

Intuition and thinking are two separate preferences, and having a preference for one does not necessarily mean having a preference for the other. In other words, being an intuitive person does not necessarily mean being a thinker when making decisions.

To know more about Carl Jung, here


distinct from anxiety is fear, which is the emotion that people experience when confronted with a real or imagined threat.


The given statement about Anxiety disorder being a fear experienced by real or imagined threat is True.

Anxiety and fear are two related but distinct emotions that can impact our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Fear is a natural and adaptive response to a real or perceived immediate threat or danger. It triggers a "fight or flight" response in the body, preparing us to either confront the threat or escape from it. In contrast, anxiety is a more generalized feeling of worry or unease that can arise in response to a variety of stressors or situations, whether they are real or imagined. Anxiety is often accompanied by physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweating, and muscle tension, and it can interfere with daily life if it becomes excessive or persistent. Understanding the differences between fear and anxiety can help individuals to better manage their emotions and responses in different situations.

To learn more about Anxiety disorder click here


Complete Question

State whether the given statement is TRUE OR FALSE.

distinct from anxiety is fear, which is the emotion that people experience when confronted with a real or imagined threat.

regional anti-trust authorities may consider product bundling by dominant firms to be anticompetitive.


The Clayton Antitrust Act made history by protecting labour unions from antitrust violations and exempting agricultural organisations in addition to outlawing anticompetitive business practises.

The Clayton Antitrust Act: What is It? The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was amended by the Clayton Antitrust Act, which was passed in 1914.

Henry De Lamar Clayton, the principal originator of the law, was honoured with its name. In order to prevent the formation of monopolies and activities that restrict competition, the Clayton Antitrust Act was passed to give greater regulation and clarification of antitrust laws.

The Act also listed additional banned monopolistic activities, such as exclusive trading agreements, interlocking directorates, and pricing discrimination. The Clayton Act also gave labour unions antitrust protection and exempted agricultural organisations.

The Act was significant because it was the first time that labour unions had been formally exempted from antitrust laws in the history of American antitrust law.

Since the Sherman Act's creation, labour unions have been generally exempt from antitrust regulations; as a result, many employers and businesses have utilised antitrust laws to undermine or dissolve unions.

This was altered by the Clayton Antitrust Act, which gave labour unions the freedom to participate in collective bargaining and strike activity without fear of repercussions. Also, it increased the federal government's ability to investigate, prosecute, and enforce antitrust laws.

To know more about Clayton Antitrust Act, click the below link


Older adults tend to develop deficiencies in which of the following areas of attention? (Select all that apply)
Complex vigilance tasks
Crystallized intelligence
Aspects of driving
Selective attention


Older adults tend to develop deficiencies in Complex vigilance tasks, Aspects of driving, and Selective attention.

Why does it happen?Because older adults have the deteriorating cognitive ability.Because the organism of older adults has flaws.

An older adult has impaired cognitive and motor skills, due to the aging of his tissues, organs, and the organism as a whole. This also affects brain functioning, which can cause failures in Complex vigilance tasks, Aspects of driving, and Selective attention.

Learn more about aging:


Sarah is a type 1 diabetic who forgot to bring insulin with her today. Which of the following will be TRUE of Sarah?
A) Her muscle and adipose tissue cells will not be able to take up as much glucose from the bloodstream.
B) Her brain cells will not be able to take up as much glucose from the bloodstream.
C) Her muscle cells will not be able to take up as many amino acids from the bloodstream.
D) Her liver will not breakdown glycogen.
E) None of these will occur.


Sarah is a type 1 diabetic who forgot to bring insulin with her today. A) Her muscle and adipose tissue cells will not be able to take up as much glucose from the bloodstream. are True Statement

Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate glucose metabolism in the body. In people with type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, which leads to high blood glucose levels. Insulin helps glucose enter cells, where it can be used for energy or stored as glycogen or fat.

Without insulin, cells are unable to take up glucose from the bloodstream, which can lead to a range of symptoms including fatigue, thirst, and frequent urination. The lack of insulin will particularly affect Sarah's muscle and adipose tissue cells, which rely on insulin to take up glucose from the bloodstream.

Learn more about insulin


4. Identify one effect the caste system had on Hindus
during the Gupta Empire.
(1) Hindus followed their caste-duty to be
reincarnated in a higher caste.
(2) Hindu missionaries were sent throughout Asia
and the Middle East to spread the religion.
(3) Hindus followed Siddhartha Gautama's teaching
to guide their lives
(4) Hindus believed that no matter what they did,
they would be reborn in the same caste in the
next life.


Hindus had a choice in where they resided according to the caste system. What jobs one might have depended on their caste. Brahmins were not as revered as Vaisyas.

What was caste system had during the Gupta Empire?

According to Hinduism, the inhabitants of the Gupta Empire were split into five classes. Brahmin (priests and instructors), Kshatriya (rulers and warriors), Vaishya (merchants and artisans), and Sudra (the lowest) made up the highest level (unskilled workers). The caste system grew stringent during the Gupta era. The apex of society was populated by Brahmins. Around this time, the practice of untouchability had just started. Fahien makes reference to Chandalas' isolation from society.

Emperors employed Hinduism as an uniting religion and contributed to its popularization throughout the Gupta dynasty, which lasted from around 320 to 550 CE. They also provided land to brahmins and promoted educational institutions that included Hindu principles. Hinduism became the most practiced religion on the Indian subcontinent thanks in part to the Gupta kings.

Learn more about Gupta Empire:


write two paragraphs to summarize what you believe are the main points of the theorysocial conflict theory.


Social conflict theory suggests that society is made up of groups in constant competition for power and resources, driven by economic, political, and social inequalities. The dominant group uses its power to maintain its position, often at the expense of the subordinate group, perpetuating the cycle of conflict and inequality.

Following is the summarization of the social conflict theory in two paragraphs: Social conflict theory is a perspective that views society as a collection of groups in constant struggle over power and resources. The theory suggests that society is not harmonious but rather characterized by a constant competition between different groups for control and dominance. According to social conflict theory, this competition is driven by economic, political, and social inequalities that are built into the structure of society, leading to conflict and tension between different groups. The theory emphasizes the importance of power and how it is distributed within society, with the dominant group using their power to maintain their position and protect their interests while the subordinate group is marginalized and exploited.

Social conflict theory argues that social problems and inequalities are not random but rather are the result of the struggles between different groups in society. The theory suggests that the dominant group will use its power to maintain its position, often at the expense of the subordinate group. This can lead to the development of social structures and institutions that reinforce and perpetuate these inequalities, creating a cycle of conflict and inequality. Social conflict theory highlights the role of social change in addressing these inequalities, as the subordinate group seeks to gain power and challenge the dominance of the ruling class, leading to a shift in power dynamics and the potential for a more equitable society.

To know more about social conflict theory here:


true/false. One of the best ways to reduce one's uncertainty and anxiety about interacting with people from other social groups and cultures is to take the opportunity to interact with diverse groups of people in our social, educational, and professional lives.


It is true that one of the best ways to reduce one's uncertainty and anxiety about interacting with people from other social groups and cultures is to take the opportunity.

They have to interact with diverse groups of people in their social, educational, and professional lives. The study of communication between individuals from various socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds, as well as how culture impacts communication, is known as intercultural communication. It describes the wide range of communication issues and procedures that inevitably arise among groups of people that come from various educational, socioeconomic, ethnic, and religious backgrounds. In this way, it aims to comprehend how individuals from various nations and cultures behave, converse, and view the world.

The goal of intercultural communication is to recognise and respect persons from different cultural backgrounds. Instead of total absorption, the goal is a mutual adaptation between two or more different cultures, which results in biculturalism or multiculturalism. It fosters the growth of cultural sensitivity and permits empathetic understanding between various cultures.

Learn more about Communication here:


the basic social organization of a society is known as social ____.structurecontextstrataorientation


The basic social organization of a society is known as social structure. In sociology, social structure is the distinctive, enduring configuration of institutions that govern how people interact and coexist in a community.

Social change, which examines the processes affecting social structure and societal organization, is frequently discussed in conjunction with social structure. He claims that social structure is the arrangement of people. The coordination of two or more people's activities is referred to as social organization. Social clubs, business associations, political organizations, and others are examples of social organization. Every member of an organization does the tasks that have been given to them. This is founded on the idea that social interaction is governed by cultural, historical, social, political, and economic processes, which are reflected in the way society is organized.

To know more about social structure refer :


What are some ways that Thomas Kuhn’s scientific belief on paradigm shift work in the realm of science? Are there any holes in his belief that would demonstrate cons to the pros?


Answer: This is the answer to the question


Thomas Kuhn argued that science does not evolve gradually toward truth.

Science has a paradigm that remains constant before going through a paradigm shift when current theories can’t explain some phenomenon, and someone proposes a new theory.

A scientific revolution occurs when: (i) the new paradigm better explains the observations and offers a model that is closer to the objective, external reality; and (ii) the new paradigm is incommensurate with the old.

For example, Lamarckian evolution was replaced with Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection.

select the following true statements about memory, in accordance with the information in this module's videos.


Practice is important for acquiring expertise, neurons become linked through repeated use, practicing something incorrectly strengthens the unconscious knowledge base, and practicing abstract concepts is essential.

True statements:

Neurons become linked together through repeated use.

The more abstract something is, the more important it is to PRACTICE in order to bring these ideas into reality for you.

Practice is important for any area in which you want to acquire expertise.

You should deliberately practice something incorrectly at least once or twice--counterintuitively, this will strengthen your unconscious knowledge base of how to do that "something" correctly.

Learn more about learning here:


Complete question:

Select the following true statements about memory, in accordance with the information in this module's videos

A) Practice is best done in the evenings when slightly tired.

B) Neurons become linked together through repeated use.

C) The more abstract something is, the less important it is to practice in order to bring those ideas into reality for you.

D) Deliberately practicing something incorrectly once or twice will strengthen your unconscious knowledge base of how to do that thing correctly.

E) Practice is important for any area in which you want to acquire expertise.

FILL IN THE BLANK. Culture is, to a great extent, a matter of __________ and definition.


Culture is, to a great extent, a matter of perception and definition.

A population's collective ways of life, including its institutions, beliefs, and artistic expressions, are collectively referred to as its culture. A society's entire way of life has been referred to as its culture. It includes manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, and artistic standards as a result. Cultural universals are patterns or characteristics shared by all societies on a global scale. A society represents the social structures and organization of the people, whereas a culture represents the values, customs, and artifacts of a group. To a large extent, culture is a matter of perception and definition.

Learn more about Culture at:


compare and contrast the cbds in european cities versus those in the us and explain why they are different.


The main difference between CBDs (Central Business Districts) in Europe and the US is size.

European CBDs tend to be much larger than their US counterparts,  generally covering a larger range of conditioning. This is due to the fact that European  metropolises are on average  important aged than US  metropolises, and the CBDs have grown organically over time.

In  discrepancy, US CBDs are  generally much  lower and  further focused on business and  fiscal conditioning. This is because US  metropolises have grown more  fleetly, and have established CBDs with a  fairly narrow focus. also, US CBDs tend to be more densely  peopled than European CBDs.

To know more about Central Business Districts visit:


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