Answer the question below. Use the rubric in the materials for help if needed.
Why was the alliance of Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union an unusual one? How did it change over time? Use details to support your answer.


Answer 1
One way it was strange is because the US and britain were former brutal enemies
Also the alliance changed over time as the soviets entered the cold war and began the nuclear arms race with the US and also the space race.

Related Questions

Which of the following islands was captured by Japan, resulting in the deaths of thousands of American prisoners of war?


Answer: C


C the Philippine islands

Identify the groups of people who occupied East Africa before 1000AD? ​



Archaeological and linguistic evidence indicates that the Khoisan were the earliest inhabitants who occupied East Africa before 1000AD.


The Khoisan people lived in East Africa before they migrated to Southern and South eastern Africa prior to the Bantu migration. They were the first people to occupy South Africa following their migration. They were known for their hunting and gathering skills. In addition, to living a nomadic way of life.

What was the effect of the Industrial Revolution on the upper class?
A. It reduced upper-class women's involvement in charity work, since
most poor people were able to find factory jobs.
B. It led many wealthy people to take investment risks that left them
and their families in poverty.
C. It increased members' overall wealth, although they faced some of
the same health risks as the lower classes.
D. It forced members to live side by side with members of the
working class in crowded urban environments.


Answer: C.It increased members overall wealth, although they faced some of the same health risks as the lower classes.

The Muslim's conquering of the Holy
Land angered which religious group?


It angered the Christians, which leads to the Catholics (a branch of Christianity) Pope Urban II call for a Crusade.

Please correct me if I’m wrong, I just learned about this part of history this morning…

WHC-1 Summer School
Big Questions
1. How did World War I end?



Germany had formally surrendered on November 11, 1918, and all nations had agreed to stop fighting while the terms of peace were negotiated. On June 28, 1919, Germany and the Allied Nations (including Britain, France, Italy and Russia) signed the Treaty of Versailles, formally ending the war.


why was barbed wire an important invention during the Cotton, Cattle, and Railroads Era?
A. It allowed farmers to grow more cotton.
B. It resulted in better management of public lands
C. It led to the end of the frontier and the open range
D. It led to an increase in the number of sharecroppers





Answer: I think it B. It resulted in better management of public lands


Without fencing to keep cattle in, the bovines grazed freely competing for grass and water and destroying crops like wheat. Every year, cattle owners led their herds to slaughter houses unhindered by wire fencing. Barbed wire limited the open range and in turn limited the freedom of ranchers and cowboys.

Hope it helps if not sorry

The Lusitania was a passenger ship traveling across the Atlantic from New York to Liverpool, England. What were the consequences of the Germans sinking the ship



The United States and German engaged in talks and Germany agreed not to attack any more passenger ships


The Lusitania was carrying a cargo of rifle ammunition and shells (together about 173 tons), and the Germans, who had circulated warnings that the ship would be sunk, felt themselves fully justified in attacking a vessel that was furthering the war aims of their enemy.

After sinking the ship, The United States and German engaged in talks and Germany agreed not to attack any more passenger ships

How will the fourth amendment be relevant in 50 years?



The 4th amendment gave citizens basic legal rights, like needing a warant to search someone's home, and probable cause to conduct the search in the first place. This will most likely become more and more relevant in the coming years because of the hightened tension between African Americans and police officers, which will mean the police will be held on a tighter leash and will be much more cautious when conducting search warrants and arrests. Many, many court cases will be held against police, arguing the police had no probable cause, or they violated a citizens rights, which will be treated more seriously than in the past. (granted this is an opinion)

hope this helps! :)

In this course, you learned the way people work is changing. Describe three alternative types of employment that have become popular.



1. Entrepreneurship

2. Job sharing

3. Flexible work hours


1. Entrepreneurs are people who own and operate their own businesses.

2. Two people share the same position in a company, each working a part of the week.

3. Many companies are allowing employees to set their own work hours.

Hope this helps luv!

compare and contrast two of the three forms of city government.



Mayor is the chief executive, while the council is the primary legislative body of the city.


The main difference between the mayor-council and the commission is that mayor is the chief executive of the city, while on the other hand, the council is the primary legislative body of the body. The mayor-council has a clear separation of powers between the executive branch means the mayor and the legislative branch means the council  whereas commission consists of a mayor and four elected city commissioners who together running and controlling the city.

A absorção de água e nutrientes do solo e fixação de vegetal são funções básicas: *
10 pontos
a. Do caule.
b. Das folhas.
c. Das raízes.
d. Das flores.





There are two types of functions performed by roots:

1. Main

2. Secondary.

All of the roots, in aggregate, serve the basic roles. Some species' roots undertake additional activities in order to fulfil certain requirements. These are known as the roots' supplementary roles.

Is data are reliable method for predicting the future why or why not?


Yes, data is reliable for predicting the future because if you think about weather forecasts they use a huge chart of data to help foresee what the weather will be for the day after, the week after, and etc. This is only one of the examples for data being reliable. Especially if it's fastdata, actionable data, and so on.

Compare and contrast two types of campaign ads


Answer: Pepsi-Cola and Coca Cola


Comparative advertising can be executed across media: digital, print, TV, radio, outdoor, and more to promote they business, gaining customers, and to make a profit

Apos anexaros territórios ganhos no combate, de qual forma Napoleão organizava o comando da nação dominada



espero q te ayude


La presencia de Napoleón Bonaparte, un militar temido y que encarnaba los ideales revolucionarios, despertó el miedo de las monarquías absolutistas que, temiendo la expansión de las ideas de la revolución francesa y auspiciadas por el Reino Unido, no cesaron en hacerle la guerra a Francia. Sin embargo, se toparon con una serie de derrotas humillantes a manos del emperador. Para el año 1812, Napoleón ya controlaba toda Europa occidental y central, con la excepción de la Gran Bretaña y Portugal. Con sus conquistas, varios gobiernos absolutistas fueron extintos y las ideas de la revolución francesa se diseminaron por Europa.

Napoleón acariciaba el deseo de transformar a Francia en una potencia hegemónica, y se esforzó en lograrlo haciendo gala de un genio militar y una capacidad de liderazgo innatos. Mantuvo un gobierno constitucional, que reservaba un inmenso poder político a la figura del emperador, inspirado en su popularidad y su estrecha relación con el ejército. Aun así, el imperio fue fundado y gobernado en las bases de la revolución francesa: Napoleón fue elegido soberano mediante un plebiscito, estableciendo un estado continental y centralizado muy comparable al antiguo Imperio romano. Su régimen finalizó luego de consecuentes derrotas militares, tras verse obligado a enfrentar a casi toda Europa en conjunto. Sin embargo, la influencia de la Francia napoleónica perduró más allá de su existencia, en las décadas siguientes estallarían por todo el continente una serie de revoluciones populares que pondrían fin definitivo al despotismo y abrirían las puertas a una Europa liberal.

En el plano interno, Napoleón consiguió restablecer la estabilidad política de Francia y creó una infraestructura capaz de impulsar los negocios de la burguesía francesa; bajo su gobierno, Francia alcanzaría su máximo esplendor. Puso fin al ancestral feudalismo de la monarquía y creó una nobleza del mérito comprendida por aquellos considerados competentes y dignos de tal posición. Impulsó el liberalismo económico, las construcciones, la educación, las artes y las leyes, siendo sus famosos código civil y código de comercio (el conjunto de las normas del derecho civil y del derecho mercantil francés un sólo texto legal) uno de sus mayores legados a la humanidad, pues inspira hoy en día a casi la mitad de los ordenamientos jurídicos del mundo.

Why is the story of Ayuba Suleiman Diallo unusual?
A. The slave trade was in decline during his life.
B. Few Africans were involved in the slave trade.
C. The slave trade did not make many Africans wealthy.
D. Few slaves could write down their experiences.



D. Few slaves could write down their experiences

people have individual preferences that affect their interpretation of events. what is this called



Explanation: Bias refers to the preconceived notions that a person has and that affect their interpretation of events. Everybody has biases regarding a great variety of subjects.




People have prejudices against outsiders and non-members of their community. Stereotypes are the basis of cognitive bias; emotional bias is an example of bias based on emotions, and behavior-based bias is an example of prejudice. There are three biases that are involved in prejudicial conduct. Bias is connected to these three components, but it can exist alone. It's not always reflected in their conduct, but for example, there are persons who have a negative emotional prejudice against others and fail to conceal it.

Which characteristics describe Old Stone Age peoples? Select all that apply.

built large villages

buried their dead with goods

developed writing systems

moved from place to place

made stone tools



made stone tools...am i right.

Before World War 1 started, why do you think so many people said, “it felt like a powder
keg, ready to explode". What does this mean?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

Before World War 1 started, why do you think so many people said, “it felt like a powder keg, ready to explode". This meant that the situation was so tense, so risky, that any small detail or incident could have caused the beginning of the warlike actions in the European continent.

One of the main causes of World War I is tied with the Serbian terrorist group, the Black Hand, and was the assassination of Austrian-Hungary Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife on June 28, 1914. He and his wife Sophie were in Sarajevo to oversee the Austrian troops stationed there.

During the war, the Allied Powers of France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, and the US defeated the Central Powers comprised of Germany, Bulgaria, the Austria-Hungary Empire, and the Ottoman Empire.

Which factor played the most significant role in the decline of the Mughal Empire?
A. The international Muslim community shifted its support toward the Ottoman Empire.
B. The Mughal economy collapsed because the empire spent too much money on luxurious temples.
C. European countries used superior military technology to capture most Mughal territory. D. Non-Muslim citizens were outraged at the Mughal Empire's implementation of sharia law.​


European countries used superior military technology to capture most Mughal territory  played the most significant role in the decline of the Mughal Empire. Thus, option C is correct.

What was the significance of Mughal Empire?

From the early 16th through the middle of the 18th century, the majority of northern India was controlled by the Muslim Mughal dynasty, which had Turkic-Mongol roots. After then, it persisted in being a much smaller and weaker entity until the middle of the 19th century.

The Mughal dynasty was renowned for its more than two centuries of successful administration over a large portion of India, as well as for the abilities of its emperors, who through seven generations kept up a record of uncommon aptitude and administrative organization. Another contrast was the Mughals' desire to combine Hindus and Muslims into a single Indian kingdom. The Mughals were Muslims.

Learn more about Mughal Empire here:



Which three of the following conditions on Earth at the end of the Ice Age made human survival easier?

abundance of large animals
decrease in sea levels
extinction of mammoths
increase in vegetation
warmer global climate



increase of vegetation and warmer global climate


this is because humans need a warm climate to survive in, we dont do well in the cold, as well as an increase in vegetation create an abundance in food which leads to the overaell abundance in mammals which humans hunt. for the preceding reasons, humans sttrive in increase of vegetation and a warmer global climate.


Select all the correct answers.Which three of the following conditions on Earth at the end of the Ice Age made human survival easier?  abundance of large animals decrease in sea levels extinction of mammoths  increase in vegetation  warmer global climate


How could an everyday hero like Reeve be even more inspiring than Superman?


Answer and Explanation:

Since there are no instructions here, I will provide you with some topic ideas to write about:

Superman is special because he is not human like us. He does not have the same frailties and problems we do.Superman has powers, which makes it easier to see him as a hero according to the general concept we have connected to that word.Christopher Reeve, however, was human just like us. Even though he played Superman as an actor, he had the same difficulties we do.As a human, Reeve was frail. After fracturing his spine, he was paralyzed from the neck down.Reeve became, at first glance, the opposite of Superman: no strength, so super abilities.However, Reeve was even more of a hero than Superman. He could have given up on life and hope, but he did not. Through his foundation, he supported researches about paralysis. He inspired and helped people who, just like him, depended on the assistance of others and moved on a wheelchair. In spite of his physical condition, he remained optimistic and mentally strong.Reeve was not an ordinary hero. His determination and positivity made him a role model to all of us.

What type of evidence would give a historian first hand account of what occurred in the past



A textual source such as a journal would give the historian a first hand account of the daily life of the writer.


A) Written documents because they are usually the most clear and are accounts of what exactly happened.


Imagine you are a news reporter for the Daily News. Write a detailed report about the advances of Japan across Asia and the Pacific during 1941-1942. Write your opinion on the decision of bombing Pearl Harbor. Was it a wise decision? Why or why not? Use examples from the reading to support your opinion.



Write a detailed report about the advances of Japan across Asia and the Pacific during 1941-1942.

Japanese expansion in East Asia began in 1931 with the invasion of Manchuria and continued in 1937 with a brutal attack on China. On December 7, 1941, Japanese planes attacked the US Naval Base at Pearl Harbor External, Hawaii Territory, killing more than 2,300 Americans. The U.S.S. Arizona was fully destroyed and also the U.S.S. Oklahoma capsized. A total of twelve ships sank or were aground within the attack and 9 further vessels were broken. More than a hundred and sixty craft were destroyed and over a hundred and fifty others were damaged. The United States declared war on Japan the following day, December 8. On December 11, Nazi Germany, Japan's Axis ally, declared war on the United States. This forced the United States to enter a two-front war. Japan occupies a succession of countries, as well as the Philippines, Dutch East Indies, Burma, and Malaya. In June, US aircraft carriers defeat the Japanese at the Battle of Midway. The US begins a method of "'island-hopping", cutting the Japanese support lines as its forces advance. The surrender of Imperial Japan was proclaimed by Japanese Emperor Hirohito on August 15 and formally signed on September 2, 1945, ending years of bloody fighting in a ceremony aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. It's known as V-J Day in some countries.

Write your opinion on the decision of bombing Pearl Harbor. Was it a wise decision? Why or why not?

Admiral Yamamoto didn't build a wise call on the bombing of Pearl Harbor because although he was doing well at the time since he hit them by without notice. Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku spent months planning an attack that aimed to destroy the Pacific Fleet and destroy morale in the U.S. Navy resulted in the destruction of 180 U.S. aircraft and more than 3,400 American casualties.

The Americans came back and attacked them worse than they had attacked the Americans in the first place. Pearl Harbor attack had failed in its objective to completely destroy the Pacific Fleet. In June 1942, this failure came to haunt the Japanese, as U.S. forces scored a major victory in the Battle of Midway, decisively turning the tide of war in the Pacific.


How is that?

The Plymouth colony was the least self-governing of the English colonies. very hostile to the Indian peoples. a successful and strong community. the best financial success of the English.


The correct answer is "was a successful and strong community."

The Plymouth colony was a successful and strong community.

This Plymouth colony was founded in 1620 by Eglish religious people that left Great Britain running from persecution from the Church of England.

Since these people were traveling on the Mayflower ship from England to North America, they signed the "Mayflower Compact."  It was an important document for the Plymouth Colony because it established rules that all of the Pilgrims had to follow.

The Mayflower was the name of the ship that the Puritans and other English people used to travel to the North American territory. They wanted to arrive at the coast of Virginia but strong winds and difficult weather conditions made them arrive at Cape Cod. Massachusetts, where they founded the colony of Plymouth. During the trip, the Puritans elaborated a document later called the Mayflower Compact, which represented the first series of rules and regulations that people need to follow to succeed in the new territory.

Type your response in the box. Now that you've read and listened to Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Four Freedoms," compare the experience of listening to a speech to reading it. Analyze the audio of the speech and consider factors such as tone, point of view, argument, rhetorical devices, and use of evidence.



Four freedom are the right of every human being.


The point of view of Franklin D. Roosevelt about four freedoms is that he outlined four freedoms such as freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear which is the right of every human being. The tone of the 'four freedom'' is optimistic. Franklin D. Roosevelt do his speech in very aggressive manner in which he describe the four freedoms were the right of all people.

Why did Reagan argue that the us should invade Grenada in 1983



"President Ronald Reagan ordered the invasion of Grenada in 1983 because he wanted to secure the region from the coup of Cuban workforce which intentionally killed three American soldiers and continuously dread the people by their military operations."


who found out how round the world is


2,000 years ago, ancient greeks discovered that the Earth was round. Specifically, Eratosthenes calculated the Earth’s circumference to prove the Earth was a sphere.

What is an effect of industrialization on women's lives?



In conclusion, the Industrial Revolution had a profound effect on the lives of women. They saw their role in society dramatically shift and many of them entered the workforce in order to support their families. Once in the workplace their faced discrimination and poor treatment

hope it's help

Write a report on how we got our English Bible. You can look in an encyclopedia or other reference book. You can even look in your Bible (sometimes the history is told in the front or back pages).

Tell about some of the people God used to translate the Bible into English. Also, write some of the dates and places where these events happened.

Hint: Spend most of your time writing about the first English translations and the people involved. Then, write about the history of the Bible that you use.

Your report needs to be no less than 250 words total or between 7-10 paragraphs.



You should repent God is coming back soon

Help spread this message

Write an essay about the impact of pseudoscientific idea's of race on the Jewish nation by the Nazi Germany during the period of 1933 to 1946​



    The pseudoscientific ideas that the4 Nazi people believed in were ideas that were not true and had not been proven scientifically. The ideas were used to violate human rights and especially the rights of black Americans. They were treated as if they were not complete human beings because of the color difference.  

     Different impacts were brought about by the pseudoscientific ideas of race on the Jewish nation by Nazi Germany during the period 1933 to 1949. This was the period when the pseudoscientific ideas of race brought about a sense of racism among the people and this can be seen by how the people would discriminate against others based on how they look and most importantly their skin color. (Coppersmith, 2021).  The Nazi people would violate the rights of the black people and that was because they would view the black American people to be people who are not complete.

    It was prohibited that the black Americans were not supposed to vote in general elections and at the same time, it was prohibited that they were not supposed to own dogs and also owning or moving around carrying guns. It was not allowed that the black Americans would intermarry with the white people and therefore they were supposed to have special permission that was granted by the government. And finally, the black Americans were completely moved to the reserves by force. There were those people that believed that the black Americans were not supposed to top integrate with the whites and therefore they were to be kept in a different place.  


Coppersmith, D. (2021). The Evolution of the Idea of the Jewish Race from Medieval Spain to Nazi Germany (Doctoral dissertation).


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